// Copyright (c) 2009 All Right Reserved
// vl
// 2009-01-01
// Contains ...
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace LargoCommon.Music
/// Harmonic interval.
/// HarmonicInterval represents one formal interval,
/// i.e. relation of two tones of the formal harmonic GSystem.
/// Interval has assigned name, (formal) distance and values
/// of continuity, impulse, potential influence and Similarity.
public sealed class HarmonicInterval : MusicalInterval {
#region Constructors
/// Initializes a new instance of the HarmonicInterval class. Serializable.
public HarmonicInterval() {
/// Initializes a new instance of the HarmonicInterval class.
/// Harmonic system.
/// Interval length.
/// Weight of darkness.
public HarmonicInterval(HarmonicSystem harmonicSystem, byte length, float weight) {
Contract.Requires(harmonicSystem != null);
//// if (harmonicSystem == null) { return; }
this.HarmonicSystem = harmonicSystem;
this.SystemLength = length;
this.Weight = weight;
this.FormalLength = harmonicSystem.FormalLength(this.SystemLength);
this.Name = harmonicSystem.GuessNameForInterval(this.FormalLength);
this.Ratio = harmonicSystem.RatioForInterval(this.SystemLength);
this.Halftones = harmonicSystem.HalftonesForInterval(this.FormalLength);
/// Initializes a new instance of the HarmonicInterval class.
/// Harmonic system.
/// Fist element of system.
/// Second element of system.
public HarmonicInterval(HarmonicSystem harmonicSystem, byte elementFrom, byte elementTo)
: base(harmonicSystem, elementFrom, elementTo) {
Contract.Requires(harmonicSystem != null);
/// Initializes a new instance of the HarmonicInterval class.
/// Harmonic system.
/// First musical pitch.
/// Second musical pitch.
public HarmonicInterval(HarmonicSystem harmonicSystem, MusicalPitch givenPitch1, MusicalPitch givenPitch2)
: base(harmonicSystem, givenPitch1, givenPitch2) {
Contract.Requires(harmonicSystem != null);
/// Initializes a new instance of the HarmonicInterval class.
/// Harmonic system.
/// First melodic tone.
/// Second melodic tone.
public HarmonicInterval(HarmonicSystem harmonicSystem, MusicalTone tone1, MusicalTone tone2)
: base(harmonicSystem, tone1, tone2) {
Contract.Requires(harmonicSystem != null);
Contract.Requires(tone1 != null);
Contract.Requires(tone2 != null);
#region Properties
/// Gets or sets length in halftones.
/// Property description.
public float Halftones { get; set; }
/// Gets or sets name.
/// Property description.
public string Name { get; set; }
#region String representation
/// String representation of the object.
/// Returns value.
public override string ToString() {
var s = new StringBuilder();
s.Append(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}/{1}\t", string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat, "{0,3}", this.FormalLength), string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat, "{0,12}", this.Name)));
//// s.Append(this.StringOfProperties());
return s.ToString();